spring has sprung in milwaukee and hello outdoor family photos!

i seriously cannot get over how much i’ve missed being able to do family portrait sessions outside!  it seems like this winter was unbearably long AND i missed out on outdoor portraits last fall because of that cute little baby

earlier this week, i photographed this little guy at a little park in downtown milwaukee with the city on side and the lake on the other.  so pretty!   he’s 18 months old and like all 18 month olds before him, he likes to run away from just about everything, especially the lady with the camera.  thankfully,  a rousing game of peekaboo captured his attention for a good 3 1/2 seconds.  also: ants.  the boy loves ants.it was fun to spend an afternoon with him and his lovely family and i look forward to next time!

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507 S 2nd St, Milwaukee, WI 53204 // call or text: 414-690-3962